This property is situated about 7km from Riversdale in one of the most beautiful and safest environments you could get with a rainfall of about 650mm per annum.
Breath-taking views over the famous and well-known "Sleeping Beauty" .
The land is currently not planted, but once it has been cleaned, the deep, fertile soil will be ideal for planting pastures for keeping cattle, horses or sheep.
There are no buildings, houses or any other infrastructure on this property which makes it the ideal property to build your own dream house at your own taste.
Water is obtained from run-off rain water and is stored in a small earth dam. a Borehole was also recently being drilled, which delivers 13 000 liters per hour.
Fencing is in good order, but must be moved so that it runs on the
deed's boundaries, as it was used as a unit together with a larger farm.
Easy access to the farm directly from the gravel road.
No VAT is payable on advertised price, only Transfer Duty Costs.
Don't miss out on the beautiful property.