Well developed Game farm in the sought after Kimberley area.
There is a Main house, Guest house and a Granny flat with a swimming pool and entertainment area as well as a Managers house. There is a large closed zinc shed, cold-room with slaughter facilities and 5 workers houses with water and electricity. Approximately 675ha game breeding camp with electrified fencing as well as 9 cattle/sheep grazing camps with well equipped water. The current owner is farming successful with game, cattle, and sheep with the possibility for irrigation for planting Pecan nut trees due to the nature of the soil and ample water supply. All game, worth R5.2 million, is included in the selling price. Species include Blesbuck, Blouwildebeest, Buffalo, Eland, Gemsbuck, Roan, Impala, Lechwe, Rooihartebeest,
Zebra, Springbuck, Sable, Kudu and Waterbuck.
Eskom: Yes, 3 Phase ( 3 points)
Boreholes: 29 (4 not equipped), 10 windmills, 6 Solar Pumps
Dams: 15 (10 Sink, 5 Cement, 2 Ground)
Pumps: 9 Submersible Pumps + 1 lister
Drinking Posts: 18
Rainfall: 450mm (1 year)
Registered Game Farm: Yes, Fenced Certificate
Implements, furniture and livestock can be bought separately on request.
Improvements: 1x Main house, 1x Guest house, 1x Apartment, 1 x Swimming pool with entertainment area, 1x Managers house 1x Washing room, 1x Tool-room, 1x closed zinc Shed (3 phase), 1x Cold-room with slaughter facility, 1x Double garage, 1 x Fire room, 5 houses for workers equipped with water, electricity and toilets each consisting of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen.
Nearest town: Kimberley
Nearest cooperation: Kimberley
Nearest auction pens: Kimberley
‘n Goed ontwikkelde wildsplaas in die gewilde Kimberley omgewing.
Die plaas het ‘n netjiese infrastruktuur bestaande uit ‘n hoofhuis, gastehuis en ‘n woonstel met ‘n swembad en onthaalarea asook ‘n bestuurdershuis. Daar is ‘n groot toegeboude sinkstoor, koelkamer met slaggeriewe en vyf werkershuise met elektrisiteit en water asook ander buitegeboue. Daar is verskeie voerkampies en werkskrale met ‘n drukgang en nekklamp op die werf asook ‘n wildteelkamp van ongeveer 675 Ha wat ge-elektrifiseerd is en nog 9 bees/skaap weidingskampe. Die huidige eienaar boer suksesvol met wild, bees en kleinvee. Daar is ‘n verdere moontlikheid van besproeiing met aanplantings soos bv Pekaneute agv die geskikte grond en sterk water. Wild ter waarde van R5.2 miljoen is ingeluit by die koopsom. Wildspesies sluit in: Blesbok, Blouwildebees, Buffels, Eland, Gemsbok, Baster Gemsbok, Rooibok, Lechwe, Rooihartebees, Zebra, Springbok, Swartwitpens, Koedoe en Waterbok.
Eskom: Ja, 3 fase (3 punte)
Boorgate: 29 ( 4 nie toegerus nie) 10 windpompe en 6 sonpompe
Damme: 15 ( 10 Sink, 5 Sement, 2 gronddamme) asook 7 JoJo Tenks
Pompe: 9 Dompelpompe + 1 lister
Suipings: 18
Reënval: 450 mm ( 1 jaar )
Geregistreerde wildplaas: Ja, omheiningssertifikaat
Alle losgoed, implemente, voertuie en vee kan ook bygekoop word.
Verbeterings: 1x Hoofhuis, 1 X Gastehuis, 1 x Woonstel 1x Bestuurdershuis, 1 x Swembad, 1x Onthaal area, 1x Waskamer, 1x Gereedskapkamer, 1x Brandkamer, 1x Vellekamer, 1x Toegeboude sink stoor (3fase), 1x Ou melkstal, 1x Koelkamer met slaggeriewe, 1x Dubbel motorhuis, 5 Werkershuise met krag, water en toilette elk bestaande uit 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer en 1 kombuis.
Naaste dorp: Kimberley
Naaste koöperasie: Kimberley
Naaste veilingskrale: Kimberley