This 5,188-hectare farm is situated amidst various game and livestock farms.
It borders the well-known Karreekloof Safari Lodge reserve and is conveniently located between Prieska (100km) Hopetown (45km) and Strydenburg (40 km). Karreekloof Safari Lodge is a magnificent private game reserve with a rich history that practises ethical game conservation.
The topography is a mix between vast flat areas and plateaus, while the eastern side boasts scenic dolerite hills that complement this beautiful farm. The soil varies from deep sandy areas to lime and lower-lying pans.
The habitat consists of a wide variety of trees including Camel Thorn (Acacia erioloba - Kameeldoring), Umbrella thorn (Acacia tortilis - Haak-en-Steek), Sheperd`s tree (Boscia albitrunca - Matopi or Witgat) and Pepper
trees (Schinus Molle - Peperboom). Shrubs are mainly Three-thorn (Rhigozum trichotomum burch - Driedoring), Brittle thorn (P.spinosum - Brosdoring) and Box-thorn (Lycium ferocissemum - Kriedoring), giving protection to the various grass species.
Quality grasses are in abundance and flourish in the sandy and hilly areas.
The farm consists of 3 adjacent title deeds that are farmed as a unit. Cattle, game and Dorper sheep do well in this typical Karoo habitat. The farm is sub-divided into various veldt types and 17 well-planned inner camps, for efficient veldt management and utilisation. If the inner fencing is removed, the total acreage will be ideal for various game species. The perimeter of about 3,100 hectare is jackal proof fenced. Approximately 20 km of the perimeter fence is game fenced.
There is no building infrastructure except for 2 dilapidated houses. Water for livestock and game is obtained from 6 windmills and is stored in 7 reservoirs to fill the drinking troughs. The 7 earth dams are filled with runoff water after heavy rainfalls.
Owing to an annual summer rainfall of 250 - 300 mm per annum, the carrying capacity of the pristine veldt is 1:24 LSU or 865 small stock units. This is a unique property that has enormous potential to be developed into an ideal game - and nature farm by a discerning stock farmer who has a passion for the Karoo region.
If you choose one place to enjoy the Karoo farming atmosphere, this should be it!
For sale at R15,564,000.00 excluding VAT. The seller is a VAT vendor and if the purchaser is also a VAT vendor this sale could be a 0% VAT transaction.