This irrigation farm offers a prime agricultural opportunity, featuring a total area of28.79 hectares, with20.63 hectaresdedicated topecan nut treesundermacro irrigation. A7.7-hectare water listingis included from theVaalharts Irrigation Scheme, ensuring a reliable water supply. Additionally,14 hectaresof 4-year-oldlucerneare planted between the pecan nut trees.Pecan Nut Trees Overview:Total trees: 2063 on 20.63 haAge Breakdown:154 trees:8 years old192 trees:7 years old360 trees:6 years old529 trees:5 years old347 trees:4 years old233 trees:3 years old248 trees:2 years oldCultivars:Wichita: 1641 trees (79.54%)Choctaw: 320 trees (15.51%)Western: 76 trees (3.68%)Mahan: 13 trees (0.63%)Navaho: 13 trees (0.63%)
This setup offers an established pecan nut production system, ideal for both
experienced and new entrants to the agricultural sector. The variety of cultivars ensures a diverse crop yield, with high percentages of Wichita and Choctaw, renowned for their quality. The presence of lucerne adds additional value, maximizing the use of space and resources.