Oransay in extent: 1046ha farm situated in the Tsomo Valley. ±9km from Khowa on the R58 towards Barkly East at the foothills of the Barkly Pass (Southern Drakensburg) The main homestead is 2km from the tar road.
The property consists of level grass lands with rolling hills sloping gently to the Tsomo River.
The grazing is divided into 18 camps all with earth dams and/or access to the river. The lands (240ha) have been fenced off and divided into 13 camps. In the past some of the lands were irrigated by leading water from a river into a big dam and from there some of the lands were irrigated but this is no longer practiced. A number of undeveloped boreholes which can be utilized should the need arise.
Fencing is generally in a good condition with many fences being replaced during
Good sour grassveld with a high carrying capacity especially if the lands are utilised to supplement the stock farming during the winter months.
±50% of the arable lands is good to high potential with the balance more suitable for feed production and or pastures.
The infrastructure consists large 4 bedroom house, flatlet, meat room with many outbuildings, shed and a school building (not being used) 7 staff houses. Stock handling facilities. All these buildings are in need of maintenance but they add value to the farm. Eskom and cellphone reception.
The farm is situated adjacent to the Sakhisiwe township . The property is currently being leased which terminates June 2025.
Dampoort in extent 237ha – this farm is adjacent to Oransay and is being leased on the same terms and conditions as the aforementioned property to the same lessee.
Good sour grassveld divided into 5 camps all with earth dams and some have access to the Tsomo River. 30ha arable land fenced in, divided into 4 camps. Average to good potential. In the past some lands were irrigated from the river but this is no longer done.
Elpin – 320ha - This farm is adjacent to Oransay. This is a good grazing farm. Ideal for cattle farming. This farm fits in well with Oransay and is currently being leased separately to the aforementioned farms.
These are good productive farms and offer potential for establishing a farming unit and or further expand farming activities.